Lorance Lobby Day

You are invited to participate

Washington, DC Lobby Day Itinerary

Sponsored by Uniformed Services League
For the purpose of generating support in Congress for a Presidential Pardon for unfairly imprisoned combat warrior Lt. Clint Lorance.

Unfairly convicted and sentenced to prison for ordering his platoon to open fire on advancing Taliban terrorists. We hope that more Congressman will join the very outspoken Congressman Duncan Hunter in speaking out for a Presidential Pardon. We seek co-sponsors for the “Sense of the House” Resolution supporting a Pardon.

April 17, 2018, 8:30 AM to 5 PM

(or excluding optional events, 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM; Agenda subject to Change)
RSVP: LoranceLobbyDay@UniformedServicesLeague or


8:30 AM – (optional) Breakfast (dutch treat) at House Cafeteria, Rayburn House Office Bldg., Washington, DC

9:00 AM – (required) Meet at House Cafeteria, Rayburn House Office Bldg., Washington, DC to register (advance RSVP only) and get your Tour Badge.

9:15 AM – Depart Cafeteria, go to Office of Congressman Duncan Hunter, 2429 Rayburn HOB (fourth floor), Washington, DC 20515 to begin tour.

9:30 AM – Custom Capitol Tour begins from Congressman Hunter’s office. Bags (which exceed 18” wide x 14” high x 8.5” deep) , food, drink, any sealed envelopes or packages, to be left at the Congressman’s office for security reasons)
This optional tour, to be led by a member of Congressman Hunter’s staff, includes (not in this order, and each item is not guaranteed because of time available):

•The 13 minute movie at the U.S. Capitol Bldg., “Out of the Many, One” which will take you on a journey through our country’s struggle to establish the world’s first truly representative democracy and introduce you to the magnificent building that houses our Congress•

• Capitol Rotunda • House Floor • Speakers Balcony • Old Senate Chamber •
• Old House Chamber • House Balcony • Old Supreme Court chamber •

11:15 AM – Tour concludes, group heads back to Congressman Hunter office

11:45 AM – Arrive at House Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing and Conference Suite, 2253 Rayburn House Office Bldg., 2nd Floor.

12 noon – Boxed Lunch served. Congressmen & staff invited to join us. Brief welcome remarks. Remarks by Host Committee Members. Cold cut sandwiches, fruit, soda, water.

1 to 3 PM – Congressmen Duncan Hunter & other Congressmen, Senior Congressional Staff, invited to speak to our group, optional Q & A. Display and presentation of Petitions of support for a presidential pardon for Lt. Lorance. Congressmen to be presented with our draft Sense of the House Resolution supporting the Pardon and asked to be a co-sponsor & for photo op.

3 PM – closing remarks by Richard Buck, Project Director, Uniformed Services League.

3:15 PM – Departure Conference/Hearing Room. Optional visits to individual Congressional offices – visit your Congressman (if they did not visit at our Conference/Hearing Room) in smaller groups.

5 PM – End of Lobby Day. Optional dinner (dutch treat) at a nearby restaurant, to be decided by the group before this time.

BOLD = the core events of the day (In order to be notified of any changes we must have your email and phone number. No one will be admitted except with advance RSVP. Write LoranceLobbyDay@UniformedServicesLeague or visit UniformedServicesLeague.org/LoranceLobbyDay )