American Vets vs VA Neglect Conference
Veterans Medical Care Neglected by Obama VA
Uniformed Services League Plans May 20 Conference & Rally
Remarks of Dr. Johnnie L. Simpson,Jr.
at the Northern Virginia Regional Tea Party Conference
November 18, 2015
in behalf of Uniformed Services League and
Freedom Leadership Conference
Hello. I’m Dr. Johnnie L. Simpson, Jr., and I am here to speak in behalf of Uniformed Services League and thousands of veterans. In the name of the United States and you as a citizen, promises were made to those who wore the uniform of our country. It is a simple deal.
In return for service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or National Guard, and in return for being willing to put life and limb at risk for our country, you the American people through your government and through the Veterans Administration- the VA – promised to provide whatever medical care was needed to take care of us.
I suspect even exceptionally well informed people like you here today, are going to be shocked to learn that these promises are not being kept. Veterans with severe and even life threatening medical problems have been given the run around. Many have died waiting for the promised medical services. Others who hang on to life, have suffered from their illness with insufficient or even no medical care.
The President and his Veterans Administration treat this all as “business as usual”. But they are killing or hurting American veterans who were promised medical care and are not getting it.
Next month on May 20 I will deliver keynote remarks on this emergency facing American’s veterans at the Freedom Leadership Conference at the Hilton Gardens Inn Hotel in Fairfax Virginia. I will have with me petitions to demand care and help for veterans in need. This event will be sponsored by Uniformed Services League which has asked me to speak for them.
I was asked to keynote this conference and spearhead a new effort to secure the promises of help for those who served America in uniform because of my work helping veterans fight for their rights against the Obama Veterans Administration and the government.
Can you be there on May 20 with me to support those who wore the uniform of the United States, and sign my new petition and support our efforts on that date?
I’ll give you more details on May 20, but let me summarize some of the people we will speak for on that date, and who I need your help to support.
First, you should know how difficult they make it for veterans to secure the help that all of us were promised.
I learned this firsthand and hope you will give me the chance to tell you about my story on May 20. I was paralyzed from the waist down but have been forced to fight the VA for years to get the care promised to me and all veterans.
As a Gulf War veteran I learned that if you don’t claim your Post Traumatic Stress Disorder benefits within the first two years of departing the military then VA will simply reject your claim and turn their back on you, despite your military service to America.
There are over 600,000 military veterans like me waiting for disability determination. The Obama VA seems to be in no hurry to help any of us. How about you? You can help us all by being there on May 20 for this Uniformed Services League conference.
On May 20 I want to tell you more about Rick Thomas Tuff, who has been given the runaround by the Obama VA after his service in the U.S. Army.
Uniformed Services League and I want to help Andrea, formerly of the US Army and I want to tell you more on May 20 about this wonderful lady and how the Obama VA rejected her call for help, despite her being hospitalized and diagnosed with PTSD already.
Donjuan Williams was rejected so fast that you really cannot say he was even seriously considered after his honorable military service. I will tell you more on May 20 about this unemployed patriot who gave everything for his country but who our government has turned away without even consideration.
We kept our end of the bargain when we put on the uniform of the United States. Now the Obama Veterans Administration and the government are turning their backs on hundreds of thousands of us who have severe and even life threatening medical problems.
I ask you to help me by standing with me on May 20 at the Freedom Leadership Conference where I will speak in behalf of – check the website by the same name – Uniformed Services League.
It will be right here in northern Virginia at the Hilton Gardens Inn Hotel in Fairfax, Virginia on Route 50 near Rt. 66. There is a literature booth and sign up table where we can collect your name and email address to send you a reminder about this event. I really will appreciate your help.
If you won’t help us, then who will? If not now, when? Please. Join me on May 20. Thank you.