USL in the News – Seal Chief Gallagher gets support from Uniformed Services League

Reprinted from Zenith News:

By Glenn Ryt, June 30, 2019 Zenith News Exclusive

“It ought not to be a crime to shoot the enemy in combat” says Lt. Colonel Dennis Gillem, USA (Ret.). The Vietnam war veteran and host of a weekly talk show reaching 150,000 veterans and their friends, is hoping for a “not guilty” verdict for U.S. Navy Seal Chief Edward Gallagher this week at his court martial in San Diego. “ Chief Gallagher has done the same thing many of us have been forced to do in combat – make a split-second decision with real life or death consequences for fellow Americans in uniform” said Colonel Gillem, who is leading a nationwide effort to support unfairly accused combat warriors.
Col. Gillem spoke last year at a “Restore Freedom” Congressional Lunch and Symposium at the House Rayburn Office Building calling out to “restore freedom to combat warriors who fought for ours.” Four Congressmen and nearly 30 Congressional staffers attended, where Colonel Gillem and representatives of the event organizer, Uniformed Services League, presented 25,000 petitions supporting a Presidential Pardon for some of those whom the group calls “unfairly accused combat warriors.” Four Congressmen spoke at the event last April 17 including Congressmen Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Scott Perry ((R-PA).
Gohmert and Perry have been outspoken in support of unfairly accused combat warriors such as Chief Gallagher. Both are involved in helping to organize a Congressional Caucus to focus attention on cases such as Chief Gallagher, according to our sources in Washington, DC, a move strongly supported by Col. Gillem and Uniformed Services League.
At the top of Colonel Gillem’s list to “restore freedom” to is Chief Eddie Gallagher. Col. Gillem, sent a letter of support to Gallagher and his attorney, Timothy Parlatore.
The letter from the Colonel asks Chief Gallagher to be the keynote speaker at a future “Restore Freedom” Congressional Lunch and Symposium in Washington, DC, saying that their attendance would turn the event into a “Celebrate Gallagher” function. The message from Uniformed Services League also offers a substantial donation to help defray Gallagher’s legal expenses, and airfare and lodging for him, his wife and his attorney to speak at a third Restore Freedom Symposium.
What happens if Chief Gallagher is found guilty at the court martial and his attorney begins the appeal process? Col. Gillem’s letter to Chief Gallagher makes clear: he and Uniformed Services League stand with Gallagher, win or lose, and invite his wife to come speak at Restore Freedom in Washington, DC if he is unable to.
Colonel Gillem was especially pleased to learn that Zenith News will dispatch as their reporter, a fellow U.S. military Vietnam war veteran, Charles Benninghoff, a PBS boat captain who inserted Navy SEALs into combat ambushes in the Rung Sat Special Zone south of Saigon in 1967 and who helped defend the Naval supply lines to the surrounded Marines at Khe Sahn in 1968.
Gillem a member of the USL Retired Military Officers Advisory Board, was one of the featured speakers at the 2017 Restore Freedom Congressional Luncheon and Symposium in Washington, DC.
For those who want to express their support you may write to LTCdennisGillem@UniformedServicesLeague or visit
Source: and reprinted with permission at and

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