Uniformed Services League asks for Lt. Clint Lorance Pardon

Lt. Clint Lorance was sentenced to 20 years for ordering his men to open fire on Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan.

Lt. Clint Lorance was sentenced to 20 years for ordering his men to open fire on Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan during the era of President Barack Obama.  Uniformed Services League asks for a Presidential Pardon for him.

USL Praises Congressman Duncan Hunter for speaking out for Lt. Lorance, undertakes nationwide campaign to build support for Presidential Pardon

Lt. Clint Lorance has been sentenced to 19 years in jail after his combat service in Afghanistan.

Lt. Lorance ordered his men to use deadly force to protect themselves in combat.

It is absurd to think that soldiers could face criminal prosecution for doing what they were sent to do in combat – kill the enemy and protect their own men.

It is even crazier to think that in the age of President Barack Obama, evidence proving that his men fired on terrorists, not innocent civilians, was never allowed at his court martial.

Congressman Duncan Hunter, a former U.S. Marine Major, has spoken out strongly for Lt. Clint Lorance, has been praised by Uniformed Services League.

Congressman Duncan Hunter, a former U.S. Marine Major, who has spoken out strongly for Lt. Clint Lorance, has been praised by Uniformed Services League.

As Congressman Duncan Hunter – himself a Marine combat veteran – reported “previously withheld information now confirms forensic evidence (has) linked DNA found on detonated roadside bombs to the… Afghan men” (ie. terrorists).

Lt. Lorance would be the first to tell you he is no hero.  He was just trying his best to do his job, to protect his men, to follow his orders, when assigned to Afghanistan.

But during the reign of President Barack Obama it seems you have to be more worried about being sent to jail for nearly 20 years than being shot or blown up by terrorists in Afghanistan.

Lt. Lorance’s defense attorney, John Maher, a U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Colonel, said that evidence linked the Afghan men his soldiers fired on, to bomb-making networks and to the battlefield deaths of American troops.

How can you be criminally proseiwoJimaLogoSquarecuted and sent to jail for ordering your men to fire on terrorists who already had killed American soldiers?

This evidence was suppressed during the trial.

This evidence was only laterafter the conviction – discovered by defense attorneys when they searched for the information in a biometric database used by the military in Afghanistan to identify enemies.

Of course, Lt. Lorance did not have the luxury of a “biometric database” and a leisurely search of a computer database when he had to make a life and death decision in the heat of battle.

Rather than allow the danger to his soldiers, Lt. Lorance ordered them to open fire and to use deadly force.

Lt. Lorance did not know at the time he gave his deadly order, that U.S. paratroopers and been killed and injured with the bombs made by the men his soldiers fired on.

Lt. Lorance says he ordered the attack on three motorcyclists, killing two, in order to protect his men.

The incident occurred in a very dangerous area well known to be frequented by the Taliban.

Former Congressman Allen West, also a combat veteran and a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, points out that dirt bikes like the ones used by the terrorists killed by the fire of Lt. Lorance’s men, were used all the time to scout out our positions so they could kill Americans.

And, terrorists riding dirt bikes could easily ride right into the midst of his platoon and explode a bomb to kill them. 

Perhaps he should not have given such deadly orders. 

But Lt. Lorance had to make a split-second decision.  He ordered his men to use deadly force against an imminent threat to their safety.

For this Lt. Lorance faced a court martial and a trial.  For his battlefield decision to keep his men safe, he was treated as a criminal.

And under President Barack Obama, soldiers and officers who used deadly force on the battlefield were the criminals who should be prosecuted and locked up for 20 years at Fort Leavenworth.

Lt. Lorance was shocked to find that he was accused by the prosecutors of not having combat experience.  How absurd!

Most everyone the U.S. military sends to combat is inexperienced when they arrive.  It is as stupid as it is impossible to say that America can only send experienced officers and soldiers into combat.

Should inexperienced officers and soldiers not be allowed to use their weapons to defend themselves until they have more experience?

What kind of a message does it send to officers and soldiers if they see a conviction like this for using your weapon in combat?

Besides being accused of not having combat experience at the time the Army sent him into combat, Lt. Lorance was also accused of pushing his soldiers to threaten, endanger and kill Afghans.  His attempts to defend himself resulted in accusations of a “cover-up.”

Lt. Lorance is being used as a scapegoat to terrify American soldiers so they worry more about being criminally prosecuted by our own military instead of protecting themselves on the battlefield.

Lt. Clint Lorance, with the evidence to show the actual guilt of those his men fired on suppressed from his court martial trial, was convicted of “unprecedented murder, attempted murder, reckless endangerment, communicating a threat, obstructing justice.”

Why did the Army refuse to allow the evidence that would have shown Lt. Lorance ought never have been charged, ought never have been convicted of any crime?

Our project Director Rick Buck’s grandfather and father (who earned eight purple hearts) commanded men on the battlefield.  He was raised an Army brat, bleed U.S. Army green, but let me tell you.

Imagine the horror if in doing his duty, our own U.S. Army would have then court martialed his father, Lt. Col. Richard J. Buck, U.S. Military Academy graduate and a U.S. Army Ranger, for his Vietnam War service.

And imagine how shocked his grandmother would have been if her husband, Army Lt. General Clarence R. Huebner, had been court martialed after commanding the 1st Division in battle at Omaha Beach, World War II.

“Join me in seeking justice for Lt. Clint Lorance,” says Richard Buck, writing to 40,000 Americans in the past 6o days seeking their support for our call for a Presidential Pardon for the imprisoned Lt. Clint Lorance.

Please sign the two petitions linked below, which have been mailed to 40,000 Americans so far.  One petition is addressed to Congressman Duncan Hunter to tell him you support his efforts to free Lt. Lorance. 

Sign the second petition to President Trump asking him to pardon Clint Lorance and free him from the 19-year prison sentence.

You know the hysterical left wing in America will bitterly attack President Trump if he does as we ask so please, help us show public support for a pardon of Lt. Lorance.

Even as President of the United States there is only so much that President Trump can do by himself.

To free Lt. Lorance we urgently need for you to stand with Uniformed Services League.

To free Lt. Lorance we need to stand with Congressman Duncan Hunter and withFox TV Talk show host Sean Hannity and former Congressman Allen West, all of whom have spoken out strongly for Lt. Lorance.

Lt. Lorance was determined to bring his men home alive from Afghanistan combat.  He is paying for that with his own life with a 19 year prison sentence.

Please, help us campaign for justice.  Help us reach 1 million Americans to join us in calling for justice and freedom for Lt. Lorance.

Sign the linked petitions to Congressman Duncan Hunter to support his efforts and to President Donald Trump asking him to pardon Lt. Clint Lorance and free him from this 19 year prison sentence (reduced from the original 20 year sentence).

Petition to Support Lt. Clint Lorance
(2 petitions, print out, sign and mail)

Mail your petitions to us and we will deliver them together with others to President Trump and Congressman Duncan Hunter.

Donations made to Uniformed Services League are presently being utilized to expand the national support campaign and inform more Americans about this injustice.  Only with a large groundswell of support can we hope to persuade the President to pardon Lt. Lorance.  We hope you will help.  Write:

Uniformed Services League
Attention Richard Buck, Project Director
Freedom Center, P.O. Box 820, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-0820



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